About us

Kairos Media Group is the leading publisher of trade magazines for the ceramic and brick industry and for the distribution channels of floor and wall covering materials, bathroom furniture and interior finishing.

Kairos Media Group’s activities include the publication of well-known printed and digital trade magazines and technical manuals, organization of conferences and webinars, production of web marketing tools and communication projects for our customers.

Trade magazines

  • CERAMIC WORLD REVIEW, since 1990 the best known and most widely circulated international magazine devoted to ceramic tile and sanitaryware production technologies. Every year it is published in 5 standard issues in English/Italian + 3 special issues in Hindi, Russian and Chinese.
  • CERAMIC WORLD REVIEW PERSIAN, the Farsi language version of Ceramic World Review, was first launched in 2012 and is now the best known technical magazine for the sector in Iran. It is published by Arta Group and comes out in 5 issues per year.
  • BRICK WORLD REVIEW, the international magazine devoted to brick and roof tile production technologies, is published in 3 standard issues + special issues in Hindi, Russian, Chinese and Farsi.
  • TILE ITALIA, launched in 1989, is the leading and most widely read Italian bimonthly magazine within the distribution channels of floor and wall covering materials, bathroom furniture and interior finishing.
  • MaterialiCasa Magazine, first launched in 2012, is the Tile Italia supplement dedicated to architecture, design and surfaces.
  • TILE INTERNATIONAL, a four-monthly magazine in English sent out to the leading importers and distributors of floor and wall covering materials and bathroom furniture the world over.

All magazines are also available online at www.kairosmediagroup.it and ISSUU


  • CERAMICWORLDWEB.IT, the world's leading e-magazine for the ceramic industry with e-newsletters sent out fortnightly to 20,000 readers. Since 2020 it is also available in Farsi (CeramicWorldWeb.ir)
  • MATERIALICASA.COM, the Italian e-magazine focused on home finishings: floor and wall coverings, interior finishings, bathroom furniture and building materials, with e-newsletters sent out to 17,000 Italian architects, companies and distributors
  • SURFACES INTERNATIONAL.COM, the e-magazine in English focused on home finishings: floor and wall coverings, interior finishings, bathroom furniture and building materials, with e-newsletters sent out to 25,000 architects, companies and distributors outside Italy.


Kairos Media Group srl

Editorial staff:

Via Fossa Buracchione 84
41126 Baggiovara (MO)

+39 059 512 103
+39 059 512 157

Advertising and web marketing

Paola Giacomini
+39 335 18 64 257 | p.giacomini@kairosmediagroup.it
Elisa Verzelloni (Italy)
+39 338 53 61 966 | e.verzelloni@kairosmediagroup.it
Silvia Lepore (International)
+39 345 72 18 245 | s.lepore@kairosmediagroup.it