The largest Italian ceramic companies: 2016 revenues
The strong performance of the Italian ceramic tile industry in 2016 (revenues of 5.41 billion Euros, up 5.9% year on year) is reflected in the results posted by the 30 largest groups or companies, almost all of which closed the last business year with growth in revenues (double-digit growth in the case of more than ten companies). These figures were published in the exclusive annual study conducted by the magazines Tile Italia and Tile International (“Italian ceramic tile companies, revenues 2016”).
Although last year’s figures are not yet available, the Concorde Group remains firmly at the top of the rankings after posting a turnover of around 727 million euros in 2015, considering only the group’s Italian companies operating in the tile segment (therefore excluding the operations of Novoceram in France, Italon in Russia, Landmark in the USA, and the Italian companies Meta and Svimisa which produce ceramic bodies and raw materials, respectively).
In second place is Iris Ceramica Group with consolidated revenues of 530 million euros (up 10.4% on 2015, an increase of 50 million euros, the largest in absolute terms). Next come Finfloor Group with consolidated revenues of 406.8 million euros (up 8.7% on 2015) and Panariagroup, which closed 2016 with consolidated revenues of 377 million euros (+9.9%). Closing this top segment of Italian groups with revenues over 200 million Euros are Casalgrande Padana (278.4 million euros, +1.8%) and Coop. Ceramica d’Imola (248 million euros, +2.9%).
Marazzi Group should also be mentioned in this first group of companies, although their figures are included in the overall financial results of [LINK_ANNUNCIO_ID=11085]Mohawk Industries[/LINK].
In general, companies with turnovers of between 30 and 200 million euros also posted positive results with the vast majority seeing growth over the previous year: Faetano-Del Conca Group +11.9% (163.8 million euros), Gresmalt Group +16.7% (117.2 million euros), Gold Art Group +8.3% (117 million euros), Rondine Group +25.7%, (108.7 million euros). ABK Group and Industrie Ceramiche Piemme both posted revenues of 104 million euros (growth of 10.7% and 8% respectively). One of the best performances was that of Laminam, which following 27% growth in 2015 closed 2016 with a 36% upturn. Three other companies in the “small” segment reported increases of over 20%, namely La Fabbrica (+24.7%, acquired in March 2017 by MCP), Ceramica Fondovalle (+23.9%) and Polis (+21%).
- Read the complete article in Tile International 2/2017

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