Brick World Review 2/2024


  • Heavy clay machinery: and yet it moves!

by Davide Miserendino

World News


  • Tecna 2024 on the starting blocks
  • The Brick Award 24 winners
  • IBL celebrates 60 years of business


  • The heavy clay machinery industry continues its growth
  • We Are Acimac, the standard-bearer of Italian excellence
  • European construction: recovery expected by 2025
  • Edilizia europea: ripresa prevista entro il 2025


  • What does the future hold for building regeneration in Italy?


  • Automated production and new technologies for Eastern Europe
  • New-concept hydraulic presses
  • Chrome flour, a major ally in brick production
  • Green technology for the heavy clay industry
  • Cutting-edge technologies in Brazil


  • AI in manufacturing: navigating the challenges and opportunities


  • The concept library in Zhejiang

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