Aracne: towards restoration of the Fiorano Modenese town hall

Aracne, an integrated laboratory for the development of technologies and materials for green building financed by the regional funding programme entitled "From production districts to technological districts", is continuing its research efforts in collaboration with various players. These include Colorobbia Italia, Smaltiflex and Srs, supplier companies to the construction sector; Intermech, Matmec, and En&Tech, hi-tech laboratories of the Universities of Modena, Bologna and Reggio Emilia.

The unique expertise of the players involved is drawn together in a single research programme for the development of materials (plate glass, resins, metals) with the aim of adopting application solutions with superior technological characteristics while observing the principles of environmental and economic sustainability.

Following the initial stage, which consists of technical meetings focusing on issues such as functionalisation of surfaces and masses and the prototyping of a software for validation of eco-sustainable projects, the Aracne laboratory is now concentrating on a functional renovation programme for the old town hall of Fiorano Modenese, a town located in the heart of the Sassuolo ceramic cluster. To date the following stages have been completed:

  • analysis of the building's history in order to assess its existing structures through the consultation of documents preserved in the municipal archives;
  • technical, social and cognitive analysis of the collected material and of the building as a whole;
  • finding out the opinions and needs of the residents of Fiorano Modenese through a questionnaire handed out in the town square and disseminated via a dedicated Facebook page.

The process of consulting with direct stakeholders has not yet been completed. A questionnaire will also be submitted to municipal officials and meetings will be held with the citizens' associations of the municipality of Fiorano.

The project to renovate the town hall has a very important role because it involves the concrete application of knowledge acquired during the research activities of the Aracne laboratory.

This restoration project will be used as a platform for disseminating the results of the eco-design models through information activities that will continue until the end of 2012, focusing in particular on key exhibitions in the building and energy saving sectors.

For example, Aracne took part in Tecnargilla, the international exhibition of technologies and supplies to the ceramic and brick industries (Rimini, 24-28 September), both with a stand and through participation in the "Ceramic TTD", the conference on sustainable building organised by Acimac and Istec.

During October Aracne will be involved in a further two conferences, the first during the International building exhibition Saie (Bologna, 18-21 October) and the second at the Green Economy Festival (Fiorano Modenese, 24-28 October).


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