Bassanello: digital exhibitions

As the industry’s two largest international trade fairs – Cersaie and Tecnargilla – have shown, 2008 was without doubt the year of the digital revolution for the ceramic sector.
Large groups and medium-sized companies have developed numerous new tile collections using digital decoration techniques, and the technological conference held at Rimini during Tecnargilla saw a very strong attendance.
“Our customers gave the new digitally decorated collections plenty of coverage at their stands at Cersaie in terms of both exhibit space and prominence,” CERAMIC WORLD WEB was told by Alberto Bassanello, sales director of Durst, an Alto Adige based producer of digital printing systems for the ceramic sector and world leader in printing systems for the graphic arts.
“More than 350 collections created using our products were presented at the show for the first time, an outstanding result considering that we have only installed 25 machines in Italy,” continued Bassanello.

However, Durst has supplied more than 60 printing machines to leading ceramic companies the world over and in most cases the Italian company has supplied more than one machine to the same customer, demonstrating the quality, reliability and high performance of its technologies.
“Our technological offerings have been further expanded in recent months, culminating in the world presentation at Tecnargilla of the new models Gamma 61 and 71 and of the Structure Match system, which is capable of recognising the surface texture of tiles and adapting printing accordingly,” continued Bassanello. (To read the presentation of the machines, go to: link to article)
“However, research must not stop here,” Bassanello argues. “Although our machines now deliver outstanding performance in decoration of all the main types of tiles, from single firing to porcelain tile to third fire decorations, we must strive to offer even higher performance solutions and to promote an awareness of these new decoration techniques. This must be done by all the players in the market. As a technology supplier, our role is to offer the best production solutions without creating false expectations through proposals that are not yet available at an industrial level or descriptions lacking in detail.”

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