Giovanni Biffi has died

Giovanni Biffi, one of the best known figures in the Italian ceramic industry, died yesterday afternoon, 12 March, at the age of just 62.
Born in Faenza in 1946, he graduated in 1975 in Geological Sciences at the University of Bologna. He worked as a researcher at CNR-ISTEC in Faenza and from 1992 onwards directed the magazine "Ceramica Informazione", owned by Ilsole24ore business media and the official journal of the Italian Ceramic Society. He also wrote more than a hundred scientific publications and books for the Faenza Editrice Group.
A highly respected figure, he made a major contribution to the promotion of culture and knowledge in the ceramic industry.

The editorial teams of Tile Italia, Tile International, Ceramic World Review and Brick World Review and the management and the sales staff of Tile Edizioni express their condolences for his untimely death.

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