Granitifiandre to lease Iris Ceramica

A statement made by Graziano Verdi (chairman and managing director of Granitifiandre) and Giuseppe Pifferi (legal representative of Iris Ceramica) has outlined the reorganisation plan for the two groups. As of 1 May this year, the entire production and sales activities of Iris will be transferred to Granitifiandre along with the company’s personnel. Granitifiandre Group has 850 employees, Iris Ceramica more than 500.

The reorganisation plan for the two groups, first announced by Romano Minozzi following the withdrawal of Granitifiandre from the Milan stock exchange, will not in fact consist of the initially hypothesised merger but will involve a lease contract for the company arm with a duration of six years and renewable for a further six.

A meeting with the trade unions was requested to discuss the project. The two groups have pledged to keep the economic and contractual conditions unchanged for all Iris employees, including those covered by the wages guarantee fund at both Granitifiandre and Iris Ceramica. The contracts at the various factories will continue to run until their expiry. The management’s declared goal is to “tackle the current national and international economic difficulties in the best possible way and to maximise the prospects of overcoming the continuing crisis in the ceramic products market”. Iris Ceramica produces tiles for residential building while Granitifiandre manufactures porcelain tile and technical ceramics for up-market interiors and exteriors.

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