Magica joins the Impronta Ceramiche Group

On 26 May, Modena-based firm Impronta Ceramiche led by Dante Giacobazzi signed a leasing contract for the commercial company arm of Ceramica Magica of Scandiano. The agreement was secured through Modern Ceramic Tile, a company entirely controlled by Impronta Ceramiche.
While the Impronta Ceramiche Group already operates in international markets with the Impronta and Italgraniti brands, this important agreement brings it a new brand that is well recognised in the Italian and international markets as well as the distribution structure and warehouses of Ceramica Magica.

Impronta Ceramiche Spa closed 2007 with a turnover of 107 million euro, higher than in 2006. Production, carried out in two factories in the province of Reggio Emilia, amounted to 7.1 million square metres of floor and wall tiles. Some 75 percent of this output was exported, mainly to countries in Eastern Europe, North America and central and northern Europe.
Dante Giacobazzi explained that the leasing of Ceramica Magica, a company with a 2007 turnover of about 38 million euro, is part of the group's strategy of increasing the competitiveness of Impronta Ceramiche in the ceramic sector.

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