Siti-B&T Group's proposals at Tecnargilla 2012

Siti-B&T Group is concentrating on aspects of the greatest importance for client companies, including optimisation of machines, reduction in consumption levels and improvements in maintenance to minimise machine downtimes. At Tecnargilla 2012 (hall A3) the group will be unveiling a range of technological solutions and innovative support services. Presses will benefit from an extended warranty for the structure, as well as maintenance and support planning in order to extend the warranty for consumables. The support package includes regular on-site checks, spare parts provision and the possibility of having Siti-B&T technicians perform remote machine servicing in the event of problems. Free software upgrades are guaranteed for 24 months and spare parts availability for at least 15 years (or alternatively upgrades). The press maintenance packages will be extended to the entire range of machines, giving customers complete control over costs and avoiding costly unscheduled stoppages. 

As regards the dryers and kilns, the Group has focused on energy saving and on optimising consumptions and offers various options for heat reutilisation. A new technical solution has been developed for the kiln roof that guarantees more effective insulation and combines energy savings with easier access for maintenance. A series of upgrades for LGV systems will also be introduced with the aim of harmonising the various families of LGVs supplied to customers over the years with the current system, thereby allowing for improved maintenance of the machines. To meet standards and ensure improved safety and protection, the mechanical bumpers have been replaced with virtual bumpers with photocells. Storage machines have been equipped with a new and more advanced operator terminal offering greater functionality and a user-friendly touch screen panel. All the operator interfaces in the control system have been redesigned in accordance with uniform guidelines to make all operating systems familiar to the operator.

Another project on display will be the Unico plant supervision system, which receives data and centralises all the supervisors and is also capable of tracking production batches and producing statistics on productivity, yields and consumptions. The supervisor that visitors to Tecnargilla will be able to see in operation will simulate real data.

In the field of energy efficiency, Siti-B&T will provide consulting on opportunities for modifying existing systems and on heat recovery, offering a range of standard and customised solutions. Along with the top priorities of construction quality and efficiency of the kilns and dryers (eliminating heat losses) another fundamental aspect concerns combustion. For this purpose, the Group will be presenting its new burners which represent the evolution of those introduced at Tecnargilla 2010. Efficient combustion means low emissions and the possibility of using the machines available in the best possible way. At Tecnargilla 2012 the group will be exhibiting two twin-channel kiln modules with infeed width of 2850 mm and a new design of external panelling.

The Robotics & Logistics division has made investments in developing vehicles that will be capable of meeting the most specific requirements, exploiting the cutting-edge solutions achieved in other sectors for greater product control. 

This makes Siti-B&T the ideal partner for upgrading existing plants with the aim of enhancing manufacturing efficiency and expanding the product range while minimising size changes.

The Group's key strength lies in its ability to renovate the plant without having to stop the factory, for which purpose it draws from its experience as a complete plant manufacturer and its expertise in integrating new installations with the needs of production.

Visitors to the stand will be able to admire LastraTM, an innovative extremely large format porcelain sheet (1200x2400 mm) created using the Grestream® plastic forming process developed and patented by Siti-B&T, a system that combines simplicity in plant engineering with production versatility. The LastraTM sheets are flat, compact and allow for an extremely high degree of versatility in decoration using the latest available techniques.

In the field of digital decoration, Projecta Engineering Siti-B&T Group will be presenting Syncro 3D, an innovative fully digital glazing line capable of receiving information from various detectors located on the line, recognising the textures originating from the different punches on the press and calculating the possible decoration combinations. Syncro 3D instructs both Evoplus family digital decoration machines and conventional silicone roller decoration machines, allowing the texture and conventional decoration to be associated with the correct digital designs, whether they are colour decorations or material effects. The seamless integration of digital and traditional techniques is guaranteed by a digital detector installed at the end of the line for the purpose of providing continuous feedback to Syncro 3D.

The Group will also be presenting Evoseven Plus 133 for decoration of large sizes, while a series of videos will enable visitors to view the operation of the showcased solutions in the factories of client ceramic companies.

Last but not least, the reorganised B&T WHITE Sanitaryware Division will be making its debut at Tecnargilla 2012. In keeping with its mission of innovation, essentiality and scalability, B&T White will present numerous major innovations in the fields of high-pressure casting and robotic glazing. A number of highly original new products will be introduced for high-pressure sanitaryware casting:

  • CIRCLE: a portal machine for the production of articles with two-part moulds, with up to 40% higher productivity than conventional Twin cast Technology machines.
  • CUBIC : the machine introduced at the last show is enhanced with the glue-on rim solution bringing a 15% increase in productivity.
  • B&t Por: the brand new MPR (Mid Porosity Resin) moulds combine the advantages of micro and macro porous resins.

For robotised glazing, the Group will also be introducing the RAG(Robotized Action Glazing) cell equipped with exclusive BSTTM (Boosted Self Teaching) off-line technology designed for maximum overspray containment. Faithful to its hi-tech mission, the Division will be presenting these products through a series of multimedia applications and a special surprise event which is guaranteed to capture the attention of visitors.



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