The spotlight on Claytech and Kromatech at Tecnargilla 2016

The 25th edition of Tecnargilla confirms its central position in the brick industry too, as well as for those operating in the field of colours, raw materials and design, with the two dedicated sections Claytech and Kromatech respectively.

The 2016 edition, running in Rimini from 26 to 30 September, will see the major national and international players arriving from various countries to take part in the various exhibition sectors.

Claytech, in an area of 6000 m² approx., will host companies from Italy, Turkey, Egypt, France, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Germany, China and Bulgaria in Hall A5/C5, where they will display the latest technological innovations dedicated to heavy clay. The participation of official delegations with profiled international buyers will also provide new business opportunities for exhibiting companies.

Kromatech, the section of the Rimini-based event dedicated to colour companies, design studios and materials will present the most exclusive aesthetic trends in ceramics in Hall B5/D5, from glazes to graphics and products created using new digital decorating techniques. In an exhibition area of 7000 m², in addition to the Italian companies, will be leading companies from Spain, Turkey, Germany, Portugal, China, Egypt, Ukraine and Iran.

Tecnargilla 2016, the world’s most important ceramic and brick industry supplies exhibition, organised by Rimini Fiera and promoted in collaboration with Acimac, will be held in Rimini from 26 to 30 September.

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