Acimac training course in Mexico - 27-31 October 2003
Numerous technicians from the leading Mexican ceramic companies (including Porcelanite, Lamosa Revestimientos, Cesantoni Baldoglass, Daltile Mexico, Ceramica Del Bravo and Ceramica Lasa) have already confirmed that they will be taking part in the course.
The course is organised by Acimac (Italian Ceramic Plant and Machinery Manufacturers’ Association) as part of its promotional activities in cooperation with ICE (Italian Trade Commission). The course is part of the ICE-Intermeccanica project for promoting Italian manufacturing goods and technology in NAFTA area countries.
The course will be held by expert tutors including Bruno Burzacchini and Paolo Panini. The talks presented by the companies will address the various aspects of the glazing process.
The following are the themes to be discussed during the day devoted to the technological workshop:
“Innovative systems for glazing line application”, Air Power Group;
“New glazing techniques relevant to the Twin Press process”, Sacmi Imola;
“Automatic batching systems for the production of screen printing inks – Technical advantages and economic savings”, Euromeccanica; “Uniprintex, innovative systems for ceramic decoration”, Nuova Fima;
“Automatic inspection in the glazing department”, Surface Inspection;
“Automatic system for control and reduction of tone and calibre defects in the firing stage”, Tck.

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