Area Franceram created

Area Industrie Ceramiche, a company based in Anagni (province of Frosinone, Italy), recently completed the acquisition of two production facilities in France previously owned by Marazzi.
This has led to the creation of Area Franceram, the operational hub of the new group consisting of three facilities: one at Chateauroux in the Indre department, one at Forbach in the Moselle, and the other at Anagni in central Italy.

These are strategic locations because while Anagni is the largest Italian facility in the centre-south of the country, the Forbach facility is situated just 8 kilometres from Germany, one of the most important markets in Northern Europe where Area Franceram is aiming to establish an ever stronger presence.
Area Franceram, led by chairman Francesco Borgomeo and managing director Gianluca Sanzi, intends to begin production in France of the Tegolasolare, the Group’s most innovative product and the result of convergence between the ceramic and photovoltaic sectors.
The classic terracotta roof tile has been transformed in terms of both composition and function. By means of a patented system the spray-dried ceramic powder body has been combined with a fully-integrated photovoltaic panel for the production of electrical energy. So with this system a normal roof can be transformed into a generator of clean energy.

The acquisition of the two French factories will raise the group’s turnover from 12 to 35 million euro for tiles alone and gives it a much more international scale.

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