Cielle at Indian Ceramics 2014

From 26 to 28 February 2014 Cielle will be at Indian Ceramics where the company based in  Breda di Piave (TV - Italy) will present all the solutions for the world of ceramics. In particular its latest innovation (which has obtained in 2013 the certificate of a patent for industrial invention) regards the creation of matrixes for the construction of moulds with which to produce tiles, always by means of the use of the CO2 laser on a special resin (Patent No. 1395673).

A patent that confirms Cielle as one of the players that are most attentive to  innovation and research. The patent, in fact, certifies an important progress that allows to engrave  the resin by using the CO2 laser and to create refined textures, but also to reproduce with exceptional fidelity the reliefs, which will go embellishing the ceramics. To this novelty there are added also the cutter models for aluminium matrixes.

The Cielle machines allow to reproduce elaborate drawings and refined decorations, with the maximum easiness. This is possible thanks to the new production process: the drawing to be reproduced on the matrix is scanned by the machine, reworked through a software for the graphic tridimensional modelling and then engraved on resin. This particular software allows to multiply the motif at pleasure, to use a special filter that improves the design and to add the border for the matrix.

The precision of the laser technology and the ad hoc developed software  guarantees a high accuracy processing in each detail. Thanks to the CO2 source - with 200 W power, a 10.600 nm wave length and a 1-100 kHz frequency - the engraving of the surface is impeccable even in the most refined details. The possibility of blocking the resin plate on an vacuum table allows to work also on big formats with absolute stability. To these advantages you need to consider also the elevated lightness and inexpensiveness of the resin supports: this means greater easiness of storage of the matrixes and optimisation of the management costs. Not the last, the increase of the productiveness: the technology developed by Cielle allows to reduce the operating times and, as a result, to increase the ability of managing orders rapidly. 


cielle brevetto

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