Colorobbia España increasingly environment-friendly

On February 5th Colorobbia España received the "Certificado de convalidación medioambiental" from the General Manager for environmental quality of the Community of Valencia, who was visiting the company's factory in Villafamés. This certificate is a recognition of the investments and efforts made by the multinational in the field of R&S into products and processes with low environmental impact.

Colorobbia Group's attention to these issues has for long time now become an integral part of the company's philosophy. In this specific case, Colorobbia España has applied the Life-Cycle-Thinking concept to develop new technologies for the production processes, in particular those for the production of frits and pigments, designed to optimise energy consumption and reduce emissions.

A constant improvement based on efficiency and respect for the environment which has given the Colorobbia España products a high added value, thus increasing their quality and competitiveness.    

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