Del Conca USA chooses I.Tile®

For the new plant in Tennessee (USA), Del Conca chose, for an initial investment of US $50 million, I.Tile® by Weflex for the logistic warehouse management as a confirmation of the company's orientation towards the  Italian very best innovative technology.

I.Tile® is an innovative integrated system for warehouse management. Being based on RFID technology, it is specifically customized to fit the requirements of -and to solve the logistic problems of - the ceramic sector.

The vehicles, adopting a specific hardware, move on a surface mapped with transponders placed on floors. The position of the vehicle, determined by the transponders and read by the antenna placed below on the vehicle, allows for the definition of the position of the goods carried. These objects are organized and orderly in the physical world in three dimensions and stored in the central database of Track+Race. All the subsequent goods transfers do not require barcode scanning or typing but, through the specific software, every goods transfer is recorded and displayed in real time. 

I.Tile® allows for real-time three dimensional tracking of materials and warehouse handling vehicles and, consequently, the optimization of all handling and picking operations, an optimal use of all warehouse resources (space, personnel, vehicles).  

Works in Del Conca USA will be over by spring 2014.

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