Dynasty Ceramic and Tile Top Industries choose SITI B&T Group

The Thai groups Dynasty Ceramic Public Co. Ltd and Tile Top Industries Co. Ltd have chosen SITI B&T Group as a partner in energetically efficient solutions and cutting-edge technology.

Two single-channel roller kilns - one 104.34 metres and one 113.22 metres long - will be installed in the Tile Top establishment. These will be dedicated to biscuit and glaze firing and will produce 9,000 sq.m./day for each line. This will reduce CO2 emissions and energy consumption by up to 20% as compared to conventional systems. The constant internal temperature guarantees uniform firing while respecting the environment. The new firing line is due to be launched by the end of 2013.

Dynasty Ceramic has opted for Evolve  digital technology provided by Projecta Engineering, a company of Gruppo SITI B&T. They have installed Evoseven/Plus , the latest generation of digital decoration machinery. This machine is equipped with bypass, an innovative system  which allows the printer to be decoupled from the glazing line, thus allowing the user to perform test prints on the main belt while production continues as normal on the "bypass" belt. The Evolve digital decoration family - equipped with exclusive, patented technology - enables the user to change the sequence of the inks with great ease, by changing the position of the colour bars. Evoseven/Plus manages up to 7 colour bars, prints at speeds of over 50m/min, and boasts extremely high definition resolution.


siti b t dinasty tiletop small

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