Kajaria strengthens its leading position in India

Following the start-up of two new production sites in Rajasthan and Gujarat, Kajaria Ceramics has reached a production capacity of 68.6 million sq.m of tiles and a real production of 58 million sq.m for the FY. ended March 2016 (up 17% over the corresponding previous year).
The Group has performed very well in terms of sales and profitability. It closed the last fiscal year (31/3/16) with a 12% increase in consolidated turnover to 400 million USD (26.96 billion rupees) and a 31% increase in the EBITDA margin, which reached 19.25% of Group net sales.
This strong performance continued in the quarter to 30 June with further 9% growth in consolidated turnover. The Indian giant has continued to grow steadily for the last three years, ever since it launched its five-year investment programme aimed at reaching a production capacity of 100 million sq.m/year by December 2018.
We met Chairman Ashok Kajaria to find out about the next steps in the Group’s programme and the growth prospects for the Indian market.
- Read the full interview with Ashok Kajaria published on Ceramic World Review 118/2016

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