Merger gives rise to Confindustria Ceramica e Laterizi

Confindustria Ceramica and ANDIL, the Italian association of brick and roof tile manufacturers, merge to form a new construction industry federation.

The merger of Confindustria Ceramica and ANDIL, the Italian association of brick and roof tile manufacturers, has given rise to a new federation to represent Italy's construction industry. The new body was set up to facilitate operational synergies between the two associations in the many areas of shared interest (energy, environment, communication, studies centre, R&D, etc.), with a view to stepping up external promotional efforts in Italy and the European Community, and improving the efficiency of services to member-companies.

The Chairman of Confindustria Ceramica, Franco Manfredini, who now joins the Executive Board of the new federation as Chairman, and Catervo Cangiotti, Chairman of Andil, expressed their satisfaction with the launch of the new project and agreed on the importance of forming alliances, particularly at a time of serious economic crisis, in order to improve services to members, and optimise running costs.

Confindustria Ceramica e Laterizi has 445 member-companies, with some 40,000 employees. It represents turnover in the order of 6.4 billion euro, of which exports account for almost 60%. And these figures do not include the internationalisation of production, which relates to 19 foreign subsidiaries employing a further 6,300 people and generating turnover of 875.5 million euro.

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