New branches around the world for SITI B&T Group

Valte Cappellini, new Global Service Development Director for SITI B&T Group, announced the Group's plan for international expansion.

The mission of the top manager expert, over the next three years, is to increase the number of branches in the most important countries for ceramic production. "We are already present in Spain, Mexico, China and Brazil. By 2016 - states Cappellini - we plan to make the other three branches in India, Indonesia and Egypt fully operational. We will then focus on other markets, such as Iran and likely Russia".

These new branches, in the forecasts, should greatly increase the post sales budget. The general goal of SITI B&T Group is to strengthen its position in consolidated markets such as Spain and Italy, and to create strong foundation in new markets.

Innovation and research are continuing unabated and, in a green mindset, the Group will focus on technologies to contain costs and consumption, with further improvements that will be presented at Tecnargilla 2014.

In the near future, according to the plans of Cappellini, export share of SITI B&T Group will increase, despite an increase of absolute value in the Italian market as well. "Our Group - concludes the top manager - pays close attention to the financial aspects, and we prefer not to venture into markets that do not offer sufficient guarantees. We always keep a close eye on the geopolitical chessboard, which is essential when operating in countries marked by financial instability and political uncertainty". 


Valte Cappellini, new Global Service Development Director for SITI B&T Group

valte cappellini 

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