Pierluigi Ghirelli re-elected Chairman of Ceramicolor
The Members’ Meeting of Ceramicolor has renewed its Governing Bodies, re-electing Pierluigi Ghirelli (Zschimmer & Schwarz Ceramco) as the association’s Chairman.

The Members’ Meeting of Ceramicolor, the Federchimica-affiliated association representing Italian ceramic glaze, colour and metal oxide producers, has renewed its governing bodies. Pierluigi Ghirelli, CEO of Zschimmer & Schwarz Ceramco, has been re-elected Chairman, while Marco Bitossi (Colorobbia) and Giuliano Ferrari (Sicer) have been elected Vice Chairmen.
The association is made up of Italian manufacturers of frits and glazes, colours and auxiliaries for ceramics and metals, inorganic pigments and metal oxides. It has 16 member companies with total revenues of approximately €350 million.
“I am truly honoured to have been re-elected Chairman of an association that has grown enormously over the past three years. The wide-ranging expertise of all our members has enabled us to pursue initiatives across a number of different areas,” said Ghirelli.
“The crisis in our industry, compounded by the pandemic, has really put us to the test,” he continued. “However, we have come a long way towards achieving our goal of reinventing our products and processes. Ceramicolor’s members include the leading companies in the field, which in close cooperation with other ceramic industry players have consistently played a crucial role in promoting the unique qualities and aesthetics of Italian ceramic products.”
Well aware of their crucial role in the ceramic production process, Italian glaze and colour producers continue to make significant investments in R&D. Their goal is to develop increasingly specialised products that enable ceramic producers to achieve the highest standards of quality and beauty while maintaining a commitment to environmental sustainability.
“The real challenge ahead is to promote a robust partnership between schools and companies to meet the demand for highly skilled technicians and managers,” added Ghirelli. “In the face of fierce international competition, we must leverage the technical expertise that has always been our hallmark.”

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