Seedex moves to new site

Seedex, a company operating in the ceramic tile decoration sector, will be moving to its new site in Via Falzarego in Sassuolo, complete with offices and warehouse, as of 1 September. This marks a major step forward for a company that started up just two years ago, demonstrating considerable courage to invest in such a difficult economic period. The company has reported strong growth in a number of European, Middle Eastern and overseas markets as a result of its high quality products and service and the expertise of its two owners, Maurizio Riccò and Stefano Gandini, professionals with twenty years of experience in the ceramic decoration sector.

The following are some of the most successful products in the Seedex range: the latest generation of Sectio laser engravers for all types of roller with silicone or plastic surfaces; the new Seedroll silicone roller made with advanced technology for all kinds of ceramic tile decoration; and the range of specific equipment and products for screen printing laboratories, ceramic companies' graphic laboratories and technological laboratories, for which service and support are guaranteed through collaboration with the Tecser technical team.

The company has received excellent feedback at the various trade fairs it has taken part in this year: Cevisama in Spain, Cerafair in Iran and Ceramic China in China. The next appointment is at Tecnargilla 2012, where Seedex will be presenting its latest technological innovations, including the new package of inkjet printing equipment and accessories developed in partnership with the specialist firm Colour Service.


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