Siti-B&T Group posts turnover of 151 million euro

Siti-B&T Group has closed its consolidated 2011 balance sheet with strong turnover growth (+54%) to reach 151 million euro. EBITDA more than doubled with respect to 2010, surpassing 15 million euro in spite of the poor economic outlook and difficulties in a number of outlet markets.

The parent company closed 2011 with a similar turnover growth percentage (56% up on the previous year) to reach 115 million euro and an EBITDA of 9 million euro (110% up on 2010), posting pre-tax profits of 2.3 million euro.

The Group has a very high export share, generating more than 90% of its total turnover outside Italy.

Although the Tile division (plant and machinery for ceramic tiles) remained the dominant segment, important contributions were made by B&T White (complete plant for sanitaryware) and Robotics & Logistics (end-of-line automation plants), which boosted total turnover and supported the strategy of manufacturing diversification undertaken by the Group.

"The ability to maintain an extensive presence in the global marketplace and to offer a comprehensive and diversified range of hi-tech products in the various sectors in which we operate are the key factors that have enabled us to achieve these results," commented Siti-B&T Group's managing director Fabio Tarozzi. "These figures represent a healthy company that has made constant investments in technological and product innovations, including LASTRA, the exclusive production technology for large ceramic sheets, the latest-generation energy-saving kiln, the new EVO Plus digital decoration machine, and Cubic & Circle high-pressure casting presses for sanitaryware."

All the group's innovations will be on display from 24 to 28 September 2012 in hall A3 at the Tecnargilla trade fair in Rimini.

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