SITI-B&T - Projecta Engineering Open House

Projecta Engineering (SITI-B&T Group), a young and dynamic company operating in the field of digital decoration machinery, invites all industry professionals to its Open House event to be held from 20 to 24 September 2011 at its headquarters in Fiorano Modenese, Via Ghiarola Vecchia, 99 (09:00 -12:30 and 14:30 -18:00).
The event will offer an opportunity for professionals to visit the new Projecta Engineering headquarters and its Digital Design division, where the range of services and technological processes on offer will be presented in detail. Through guided tours by appointment, visitors will be able to explore islands reproducing the various operating stages of the ceramic industry so as to get a complete picture of the enormous range of innovative solutions available for plant engineering and graphic design. Led by CEO Vincenzo Palumbo, the company has always been committed to the search for quality and efficiency in production processes in response to the needs of today’s companies.

The Open House week will feature a further event paying tribute to the 50 years of activity of SITI-B&T Group. This important milestone will be celebrated on Thursday 22 September in the Teatro Comunale “Luciano Pavarotti” of Modena and subsequently in the historic Chiostro di Palazzo Santa Margherita, where a gala buffet will be offered to the group’s customers and friends.




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