System Group reports turnover and profit growth

The System Group has reported turnover growth in 2012 to 285 million euro (52% of which was generated by the System Ceramics Division) and pre-tax profits of 4.6 million euro. The Group has also posted an increase in EBITDA (from 23.5 million euro in 2011 to 31.5 million euro in 2012) and a 31 million euro recovery in net financial position against the previous year.

These outstanding results underscore the successful strategy of a group that has continued to invest in research and new activities in spite of the crisis. To promote internationalisation, in 2012 the group set up System Ceramics Iranian Co. based in Tehran, and on 14 June last year the new branch System (China) Technology Co. Ltd., in Suzhou, involving an investment of 10 million euro. This brings to 27 the number of foreign subsidiaries which serve to support an export business that makes up 70% of turnover and maintain a presence in the Group's most important markets such as Spain, Brazil, China and the emerging markets of Mexico and Russia. The group is also devoting constant efforts to the field of technological innovation, an area in which the parent company System invests 5% of turnover. This reflects the longstanding commitment to innovation of the founder and chairman Franco Stefani, who personally leads a team of 30 researchers and developers.

In 2013, System is further boosting Creadigit, the latest-generation digital printing machine capable of improving the tile decoration process, and Freebox, the system for real-time production of boxes without wasting cardboard that has already prompted interest in Russia and the United States. System is also continuing its efforts in the field of energy saving. For example the GEA press allows for 50% energy savings with respect to the standard and turns out increasingly high-performance products.

Another of the Group's companies that has performed strongly is System Logistics, which operates through the Impianti Logistics division (large dimension automated warehouses), increasingly specialised in the beverages and picking systems sectors, and the Modula business line (automatic vertical drawer type warehouses). In 2012 the company generated profits of 80.5 million euro compared to the 75.2 million euro of 2011. Last but not least, Laminam consolidated the value of its production at 26 million euro with the production of large-format porcelain sheets (1x3 m) of 3 mm thickness using technology developed entirely by System.

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