2015 U.S. Ceramic Tile Industry Update
2015 was another year of strong growth for the U.S. ceramic tile market. Supported by gains in the construction and housing markets, as well as low interest rates and falling unemployment, ceramic tile consumption increased for the sixth consecutive year.
Based on data available to date, we estimate 2015 U.S. ceramic tile consumption to be 2.74 billion sq.ft. (254.6 million sq.m), up 10.0% vs. 2014. This sixth consecutive year of growth has brought consumption back to its highest level since 2006, the year before the recession began.
For the year based on available data, we project 2015 U.S. imports to be 1.88 billion sq.ft. (174.7 million sq.m.), up 9.8% from the previous year. Imports represent 68.6% of U.S. tile consumption.
The increased domestic capacity has certainly contributed to the growth in consumption of U.S. produced tile. According to TCNA, 2015 U.S. tile production is projected to exceed the 2014 total (an all-time high of 75.8 million sq.m.) by approximately 10% to about 83 million sq.m.
Read the full article published on Ceramic World Review 115/2016.

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