World sanitaryware exports and imports (2015)
World ceramic sanitaryware imports/exports grew by 78% from 1.6 to 2.9 million tons over the period 2005-2015, corresponding to an annual compound growth rate of 6%. The trend has remained almost constantly positive over the years, the only real downturn occurring in 2008 (-7.3%).
This however was followed by a rapid recovery in 2009 that brought levels back to above previous years’ figures. A second slowdown in 2012 was likewise followed by two years of strong expansion in exports, again however interrupted in 2015 due to the sluggishness of the world economy.
Sanitaryware exports consequently rose by just 1.1% with respect to 2014.
The analysis of 2015 exports by geographical area of production reveals a heterogeneous trend.
While Asia remained the world’s largest sanitaryware manufacturer with a 57% share of world exports, it closed the year with a 0.7% contraction against 2014 (1.67 million tons), after the previous year’s 22% growth. This negative result did not include the three large Asian exporters (China, India and Thailand), all of which reported growth in 2015.
By contrast, the European Union, the world’s second largest exporter region, further improved on its 2014 growth rate to reach 569,000 tons (+7.4%). This result was attributable to the strong performance of the five largest exporter countries in the EU, an area that boasts five of the top ten world exporter countries.
Exports from North America (NAFTA region) also rose by 3.3% to reach 340,000 tons thanks to the growth of Mexico, while non-EU European countries likewise performed strongly (+4.2% to 186,000 tons) in spite of the slowdown of Turkey.
By contrast, South America remained in negative territory (-12%, 72,000 tons) following four years of contraction and Africa saw its first downturn in 6 years (-5%, 84,000 tons).
- Read the complete article published on CeramicWorld Review 119/2016 and consult the tables with the figures of single Countries.
The big players in the sector

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