Claudio Casolari new chairman of Ceramicolor

During the annual Board Meeting on 18th June, Federchimica Ceramicolor - the Italian association of ceramic colour, glaze and metallic oxides manufacturers - reappointed the managerial bodies, appointing Claudio Casolari (Metco) to the role of Chairman of the association for the 3-year period 2014/2017.

Angelo Lami (Inco Industria Colori) and Andrea Giambi (Torrecid) were elected to the roles of Vice Chairman.

The association represents Italian producers of frits and glazes, colours and relative auxiliary products for ceramics and metals, inorganic pigments and metallic oxides - a total of 16 companies with combined revenues of over 500 million euros.

In addition to the Chairman and the Vice Chairmen, the association's Management Committee is now made up of Daniele Bandiera (Ferro Spain Italy Branch), Marco Bitossi (Colorobbia Italia), Lucio Capiluppi (Sicer), Riccardo Doni (Def di R. Doni), Armando Meletti (Esmalglass), Carlo Alberto Ovi (Smalticeram Unicer), and Gianfranco Padovani (Vetriceramici).

Claudio Casolari, manager at Metco, has extensive business and also political experience.

 "I love challenges: I have three tough years ahead of me for sure but I have a team of technically skilled and highly motivated business people alongside me - commented Claudio Casolari. "The crisis in our sector began a long time ago and has been extremely testing. The real gamble will be our ability to reinvent ourselves in terms of products and processes. The national association I have the honour of leading brings together the finest businesses in the sector which, in close collaboration with their customers, have long played a very important role in establishing the reputation of Italian ceramics of high aesthetic quality".

Colour and glaze manufacturers play a key role in the ceramics business. With significant investments in R&D, the sector is focused on increasingly specialist products, which, with particular attention to environmental compatibility, guarantee ceramic producers the high standards of quality and beauty that are appreciated across the world.

 "The real gamble of the future - continues Casolari - lies in the relationship between schooling and business, and this requires competitive and technically proficient managers and technicians. Our international competitors are not in the business of doing us any favours and our progress depends on the technical culture that has always been our hallmark".    

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