FM, 40 years of experience and innovation

Experience and innovation are the distinctive qualities of FM which, founded in 1974, celebrates an important landmark this year: 40 years in the business. In this time it has reached and achieved many milestones, there have been many successes and difficulties and it has earned plenty of recognition on the way to becoming an established leader in the Emilia plastic products district.

To celebrate this landmark in style, FM has organised a number of events to thank all those that have contributed to the growth of the company and the achievement of this important milestone: clients, suppliers, employees, consultants, journalists, institutions.

Things will kick off on Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 June with an open house event during which it will be possible, by registering in advance, to visit the production plants and view the entire product line, speaking directly with the FM specialists. During the two days there will also be exclusive presentations of the new products that will be launched at Tecnargilla 2014, taking place in Rimini on 22-26 September, the final event in the 40th anniversary celebrations, together with all of FM's international distributors and clients.

Finally, on Saturday 21 June, there will be a family day dedicated to employees and their families with entertainment for the children and an open-air buffet. Over its many years in the business, it is FM's employees and consultants that have represented its trump card thanks to their unwavering dedication and consummate professionalism.

"In this important 40th anniversary year, which we regard as a stage in our history rather than a milestone - remarks Barbara Franchini, C.E.O. of FM and daughter of founder Gian Carlo - we decided first and foremost to restyle our website, enriching it with new content and services. We then decided to organise a few celebratory events such as the open house and the family day so all those that have enabled us to come this far can celebrate with us". "But above all else, faithful to our obsession for research and innovation - concludes Franchini - we will be offering an exclusive preview of our new products in the ceramics area before their official launch at Tecnargilla. We have great belief in our innovations and the first feedback from our clients has been very positive. We still have a great desire to keep moving forward and great energy within the business and for this reason I am still highly motivated and confident about the future".


 Barbara Franchini, C.E.O. of FM


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