Training: three specialisation courses to be held in Modena and Reggio Emilia
. The masters course for orders manager - organised in cooperation with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - is open to 15 graduates. It will have a duration of 1,500 hours, including 408 in classroom and laboratory activities, 442 of individual study, 140 hours of project work, 510 of in-company training, and a study trip abroad. Applications must be submitted by November 2002.
The training course for industrial automation system design technicians is open to 20 school-leavers, whether or not they are already in employment. The course lasts for 1,200 hours including 680 in classroom and laboratory activities, 80 of project work and 440 of in-company training. Applications are open until the end of October 2002. Finally, the CAD design technician course organised with the support of the Modena provincial administration is open to 12 school-leavers living in the Emilia-Romagna region, again employed or unemployed. The course will be held in Modena and will last 810 hours (from October 2002 to June 2003), including 240 hours of in-company training. Applications must be submitted by 30 September 2002.
For further information or to submit applications, contact IAL Emilia-Romagna, Modena training agency (Barbara Zavatti, tel. +39 059 332592) by email at ialmodena@tiscali .it

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