Financing for manufacturers of ceramic machinery: package worth €20 million

BPER (Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna) and ACIMAC (the association of Italian manufacturers of machinery and equipment for the ceramic industry) have just signed an agreement under which the bank will set aside total funds of 20 million euro for the benefit of the 120 member companies of Acimac, for the purpose of financing initiatives aimed at development and internationalisation.

Specifically, the agreement covers 6 measures: 1) financing for investments in Research & Development, 2) financing for investments, 3) convertible loans for corporate recapitalisation, 4) mortgages with EIB funds of up to 100%, 5) financing for internationalisation projects assisted by SACE credit enhancement, 6) sale with recourse of export receivables assisted by SACE policy transfer.
Among the initiatives listed above, financing for Research & Development has a particularly important role to play, because it supports investments in assets normally deemed intangible (including training).The sale of export credits with recourse is also an attractive instrument, as it gives companies immediate access to cash against receivables due from foreign importers.

Thanks to this agreement, the companies will be offered competitive conditions, transparently linked with their rating class.

“At a critical time like this, when access to credit is undoubtedly one of the greatest difficulties faced by companies,” explains Paolo Gambuli, Director of ACIMAC, “this agreement is not only a vote of confidence in our industry, but also constitutes a practical instrument for supporting many companies, which will now be able to launch or pursue investment projects and research activities with greater peace of mind.”

“Our partnership with ACIMAC”, explains Corrado Savigni, Corporate Division Director at BPER, “further testifies to BPER’s attention to local companies, with particular reference to those which are capable of transforming the current economic crisis into an opportunity and an incentive to renew their products, processes and sales strategies.”

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