Siti-B&T's slogan is "invest and diversify"

“Invest and diversify” is the slogan adopted by Siti-B&T to tackle the economic crisis that has hit the sector. It identifies a three-year development plan covering four key points: investments in research and development in the ceramic tile sector; the launch and consolidation of new Business Units; growth of the sales network; and development of the international service network.

“We must strive to do well what we are capable of doing well, and if possible better,” commented the group’s managing director Fabio Tarozzi, citing a remark by Filippo Marazzi. This means optimising the resources already present within the company while being ready to grasp new market opportunities by offering new and competitive solutions.

The Group’s confidence is prompting it to make investments in parallel businesses outside the ceramic tile sector. The three new Business Units that Siti-B&T is focusing on are:
Eco-Technology for thermal treatment and incineration of various kinds of waste, particularly hazardous waste;
Robotic & Logistic for end-of-line robotics solutions and advanced industrial logistics;
Whitech for the supply of turnkey plants for ceramic sanitaryware.

By 2011 the development plan aims to achieve an increase in turnover (to 200 million euro from 160 million euro in 2008) and a non-tile sector market share of 30% (currently 16%).

Investments will also be made in the company’s core business of ceramic tiles, where various projects involving innovative Grestream technology are underway. The pilot plant will be expanded and remodelled to allow for more detailed research into alternative uses of ceramic tiles and new ceramic materials.

Another new aspect is the strengthening of the international sales network together with after-sales service. New branches will be opened in the Gulf region and in Brazil and new resident managers will be appointed for the Far East.

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