MIKROSLAB: Innovative pilot plant for micronization laboratory testing

CHUMILLAS TECHNOLOGY is launching an exclusive solution that redefines how micronization testing is approached in laboratories.

In the competitive world ceramic sector, innovation and efficiency are crucial factors for gaining a competitive edge. CHUMILLAS TECHNOLOGY, true to its commitment to excellence, has created MIKROSLAB, an exclusive solution developed by its R&D team that redefines how micronization testing is approached in laboratories. Founded on pillars of innovation, efficiency, and sustainability, MIKROSLAB stands as an indispensable tool for developing new products in the ceramic industry and other sectors.

Versatility and Compactness

MIKROSLAB is a compact and versatile laboratory equipment that enables preliminary micronization testing with small product quantities. This feature facilitates informed decision-making before industrializing the production process. With MIKROSLAB, companies can conduct tests with short production runs, gathering precise data crucial for new product development.

Key Advantages of MIKROSLAB

  • Testing with reduced quantities: The ability to test with small product amounts allows companies to minimize costs and waste while obtaining relevant decision-making data.
  • Multifunctionality: MIKROSLAB integrates and combines micronization and classification processes according to each client's specific needs, offering an adaptable and efficient solution.
  • Agile and reliable testing: The capability to conduct quick tests with different products and applications ensures reliable results, enabling agile and well-founded decisions.

Aplicaciones y Sectores

MIKROSLAB is suitable for testing products up to 9 Mohs hardness, such as quartz, glass, zirconium silicate, alumina, dolomite, nepheline, refractory materials, and magnesite. This solution is particularly beneficial for the ceramic, chemical, raw materials, frits, and glazes sectors.

Experience MIKROSLAB firsthand and discover more about CHUMILLAS TECHNOLOGY's other innovative solutions for the ceramic sector by visiting booth 304 in Hall D3 at the TECNA trade fair.

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