The Future of Ceramics hosts the 11th Acimac Annual Meeting on Digital Evolution in the ceramic sector

On Tuesday 12 November, a conference exploring new technological solutions for transforming ceramic companies into smart factories will be held in Forum Monzani in Modena.​

In recent years, the Italian ceramic industry has invested heavily in modernising its factories by adopting the latest plant and technology as part of the incentives offered by the Industry 4.0 Plan. The next step is to arrive at fully digitalised factories where all the individual machines in the production line are interconnected and interact both amongst themselves and with the company management system.

This will be the main theme of the second day of the event The Future of Ceramics held in Forum Monzani in Modena, which on Tuesday 12 November will host the technical sessions of the 11th Acimac Annual Meeting, devoted this year to Digital Evolution.   

There will be three sessions with a total of 14 presentations interspersed with three roundtable discussions where technology suppliers will exchange views with users and with the owners and technical directors of Italian ceramic tile companies.

This second day’s events are also open to all ceramic professionals (admission is free with online registration on the website

The first part of the conference will concentrate on new technologies for company digitalisation. Cristian Mattioli (System Ceramics) will describe the role of PRIME software in Digital Industrial Design. Paola Gatti (Sacmi) will illustrate the potential of H.E.R.E. software and Marco Sichi (BMR) will discuss the positive effects in terms of improved logistic efficiency achieved by the new digital lines for ceramic surface finishing operations. Stefano Guidarini (Proteo Engineering) will discuss “Digital Synergies”, then Giuseppe Cavani and Stefano Puccini (LB) will illustrate the opportunities for more efficient interactions with plant and machinery offered by the PLUS and STAR solutions. Finally, Fabrizio Arnaldi (Plannet) and Maurizio Mambelli (Logistics Director of the Florim facility in Mordano) will describe the results achieved by Florim with the adoption of Compass10 technology.

The second session will focus on intralogistics and warehouses, factory departments that in the past were considered a cost but which with the new digital technologies can now be transformed into strategic competitive factors capable of creating value and improving the efficiency of customer service, the part of the company in closest contact with the market.

A representative of Sacmi will give a talk on Intralogistics 4.0, Paolo Cometto and Franco Angelotti (Intermac/Movetro) will discuss picking management and optimisation, and Paolo Serpagli, Miki Ferrari and Alessandro Fiori (Weflex) will present new management models.

The final afternoon session devoted to the new frontiers in digital decoration of ceramic surfaces will feature talks by Paolo Casarini (System Ceramics), Roberto Scala and Davide Medici (Sacmi), Sergio Marcaccioli (Sicer) and Claudio Casolari (Metco).


Forum Monzani, Modena


11th November 2019

08.30 am
09.00 am
Paolo Sassi (Chairman of Acimac) and Patrizia Cecchi (Director BU Italian Exhibitions, IEG)
09.15 am
Paolo Gambuli, ACIMAC General Manager
09.30 am
World production, consumption, imports and exports of ceramic tiles: trends and prospects
Luca Baraldi (Acimac/MECS)
10.10 am
The US market: Who is going to win?
Joseph Lundgren (Joseph Lundgren Consulting, USA)
10.30 am
What future for Asia and Africa amid new challenges and opportunities?
Panel Debate with key figures from the local ceramic industry
  • Mr. Ye Yongkai, Vice President New Pearl Ceramics (China)
  • Mr. Prem Narayan Trivedi, Director of Indian Council of Ceramic Tiles & Sanitaryware (India)
  • Mr. Patrick Oaikhinan, Epina Technologies (Nigeria)
  • Mr. Mohammad Roshanfekr, CEO of Iranian Ceramic Producers’ Syndicate (Iran)
  • Mr. Ilter Yurtbay, Chairman of Serkap, Turkish Ceramic Tile Association (Turkey)
11.45 am
Trends of Distribution in Tiles & Flooring
Christophe CALLON (Purchasing and Marketing Manager SAINT GOBAIN BUILDING DISTRIBUTION - Tiles & Flooring. CEO Decoceram)
12.15 pm
Is Italy still a model?
ROUND TABLE with the Chairmen of the Italian Ceramic Industry Associations
  • Giovanni Savorani, Chairman of Confindustria Ceramica
  • Claudio Casolari, Chairman of Ceramicolor
  • Paolo Sassi, Chairman of Acimac
01.00 pm
Networking Lunch
02.30 pm
02.30 pm
A long History of digitalization
Franco Stefani, Presidente System Ceramics
03.00 pm
Italian Government policies for the future of the Industry 4.0 plan
Ilaria Vesentini (Il Sole 24 Ore) interviews:
  • Marco Calabrò (Italian Ministry of Economic Development)
  • Andrea Bianchi (Confindustria’s Director for Industrial Policies)
03.45 pm
Digital humanism explained by
  • Maurizio Brioschi (Head of Digital Enterprise Division CEFRIEL)
  • Luciano Sottile (General Manager Machine Division Goglio Spa)
04.45 pm
Question time and conclusions


Forum Monzani, Modena

Programme 12th November 2019
- 11th Acimac Annual Meeting “Digital Evolution” -

08.30 am
09.00 am
Paolo Gambuli (Acimac General Manager)
Towards complete digitalisation of ceramic companies
09.15 am
PRIME, Digital Industrial Design
Cristian Mattioli (System Ceramics)
09.30 am
The road to plant digitalisation
Paola Gatti (Sacmi)
09.45 am
The BMR digital line and logistics 4.0
Marco Sichi (BMR)
10.00 am
Digital Synergies
Stefano Guidarini (Proteo Engineering)
10.15 am
The digital factory by LB: improving the efficiency of machine and plant interactions in the PLUS and STAR solutions
Giuseppe Cavani, Stefano Puccini (LB)
10.30 am
Software for the factory 4.0: the experience of FLORIM with COMPASS10
Fabrizio Arnaldi (Plannet) and Maurizio Mambelli (Florim)
10.45 am
Suppliers and users exchange views
Digitalisation in intralogistics and warehouses: new solutions for creating value
11.45 am
Intralogistics 4.0, the added value of modern ceramics
Giuseppe Miselli (Sacmi) and Stefano Cudicio (Toyota Material Handling Italia)
12.00 pm
Picking management and optimisation
Paolo Cometto, Franco Angelotti (Movetro/Intermac)
12.15 pm
Intralogistics: innovative technologies for use in new management models
Paolo Serpagli, Miki Ferrari (Weflex)
12.30 pm
Suppliers and users exchange views
01.00 pm
Networking Lunch
The new frontiers of digital decoration of ceramic surfaces
02.35 pm
Decoration: the innovation of digital technology from System Ceramics
Paolo Casarini (System Ceramics)
02.50 pm
The need for production flexibility and consistent quality. The response from Sicer: supplier or partner?
Sergio Marcaccioli (Sicer)
03.05 pm
Synchronisation of the digital decoration process
Roberto Scala, Davide Medici (Sacmi)
03.20 pm
Je pense donc Je suis digital
Claudio Casolari (Metco)
03.35 pm
Suppliers and users exchange views
04.35 pm
Question time and conclusions

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