Non-stop growth for the KAI Group - Bulgaria

The new line installed at the Shumen plant, supplied entirely by SACMI to the Bulgarian KAI Group, has already been tested successfully and is now up and running at full capacity.

The strong points of the project are - as demanded by CEO Mr. Spas Shopov - the efficient recovery of both energy and material; indeed, the project is so efficient that the investment has received EU funding. Every department, in fact, features very specific solutions: modular grinding reduces energy consumption, drying re-utilises a part of the hot air from the kilns, the new kiln itself features heat exchangers that provide internal heat recovery and significant savings while, lastly, dry grinding of production waste feeds vital materials back into the process. Cutting edge product-enhancing solutions have also been adopted, such as Intesa's latest Colora HD BLACK digital decoration model, which features the new, practical colour bar extraction system.

Yet that's not all. The KAI Group's vivaciousness and outstanding performance have received further confirmation in the form of further plans for investment at both the Shumen and Isperih plants: an extended raw material treatment department, new vertical driers, new Intesa digital decoration units and a new wide-infeed kiln. This additional expansion means that this Bulgarian giant's installed output capacity - which covers a wide range of ceramic products - will jump to 25 million m2/year.

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