Sacmi has now installed 260 machines worldwide, a milestone that demonstrates the efficiency and versatility of Sacmi RobotCasting high pressure casting.
Duravit’s Chongqing factory has been upgraded with the installation of pressure casting equipment for complex WCs as well as a fourth robot for automatic glazing. The fifth kils was started up in Egypt.
Just commissioned in October, with this new supply the production capacity of the Johannesburg factory soars to more than 2 million pieces, entirely handled by SACMI pressure casting machines.
Ege has boosted the production of medium- and high-end WCs with the start-up of 4 new Sacmi casting cells, each equipped with 2 AVMs and robot assisted.
Performance, reliability, flexibility are the characteristics of the AVM casting unit, a mould-focused modular platform that gives maximum automation and handling freedom to sanitaryware manufacturers
The Civita Castellana-based group has closed 2015 with a 30% rise in turnover and is looking forward to further growth in 2016. At the end of January it acquired Coeltunnel with a view to strengthening its position in the kiln segment.
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